On October 1st 2010 Full Tilt started issuing their new High Roller VIP Program, the Black Card. This doesn't replace the Full Tilt Point Store or Iron Man, instead is an additional perk program available to active players.
The Requirements:
You must maintain a rolling average of 500 Full Tilt Points to be eligible for a Black Card. To check your status, go to your Full Tilt cashier and click on Promotions. You'll then see a Black Card menu option. 500 Full Tilt points is typically $50 in rake.
The Benefits:
- Earn Full Tilt Points at two times the normal rate, three times the normal rate during Happy Hour.
- Access to the Black Card Store where Full Tilt points can be exchanged for cash bonuses and luxory items.
- Preferred treatment at live events, for example you will have access to the Pro's Choice WSOP suite.
- Access to the dedicated Black Card support staff
- Members receive a physical Black Card.
It appears that non-bonus purchases in the Black Card Store are deducted from your MGR at a rate of $1 per 10,000 points used. This is far less than the standard store's deductions of $5 per 1000 points used. We are confirming this.
Other changes:
-Full Tilt now uses the weighted contributed rakeback method. In short, rake is allocated to players based on how much they contributed to the pot rather than evenly among all players dealt into the hand. This only effects cash game players, and typically benefits loose aggressive players.
-Points are now accumulated differently. For cash games, for every dollar raked during a hand, 10 points will be split evenly by those dealt into the hand. In short, points are awarded at a 10:1 ratio of rake based on the rakeshare method (or more precisely, the point-share method). A couple of examples:
- In a full-ring game, if nine players are dealt into a hand and a total of $1.80 is raked from the pot, 18 Full Tilt Points are awarded to the table. The 18 points are then split equally and all nine players receive two Full Tilt Points for that hand.
- In a 6-Max game, if six players are dealt into a hand and a total of $1.80 is raked from the pot, 18 Full Tilt Points are awarded to the table and each player receives three points for that hand.
- In a heads-up game, if two players are dealt into a hand and a total of $0.40 is raked from the pot, 4 Full Tilt Points are awarded to the table and each player receives two points for that hand.
- For tournaments, 10 points is awarded for every $1 in fees paid.
In all cases, fractional points are awarded as applicable.
Before October 1st, players would receive one Point for every dollar taken from the table in rake. In all the examples above this would result in fewer points (1.8, 1.8, .4 accordingly). For tournaments, players used to receive 7 points per $1 paid in fees, so theres a big increase there to 10 points per $1.
-Iron Man requirements changes
Due to the point earn rate changes, the requirement for the 100 point level in Iron Man increased to 125 points, and the 200 point level increased to 250. Despite the increase, these tiers will still be easier to reach for most players given the faster point earn rates.
Also the Iron Man Plus program is no longer available, the Black Card replaces it.
Overall these changes should add value to players. If you aren't already grinding at Tilt, now is a great time to check it out Full Tilt Poker
If you are a nit and are looking for a room with a rakeshare calculation method, your best bet is Cake Poker.